Wet floor from toilet leads to termite attacks. In this particular job, the termites have been dealt with already. Our work scope was to prepare the unit suitable for rental by replacing with newly sanded and varnished parquet wood floor, replace defective glass door hinges and make good both toilet glass doors. And change the wooden door frame and replaced with a new frame and architrave. A challenging task as few door suppliers are willing to provide such a service without changing the door.
Unique too, the painter for the door is a specialists in painting doors. The newly laid parquet was patiently sanded and varnished to be as good as new to match the existing floor.
Parquet Flooring
Door Frame
Root Cause of Termite Infestation and Damaged Flooring
Renovation Work In Progress
After Improvement

HDB Registered Contractor
License Number: HB-09-5474D